Welcome to the American British White Park Association website!
Our site contains information on our breed of cattle, association and our members. We hope you enjoy it.Our association was formed in 1999 to unite those breeders of American White Park and British White cattle that were interested in joining forces to promote these cattle. Many of the cattle come from the same bloodlines and are not to be confused with the horned Ancient White Parks. This organization does not register horned animals. The breeders of American British White Park cattle have put forth much effort to build a breed of the highest quality possible.
The ABWPA is proving to cattlemen through feedlot tests that American British White Park cattle are a superior beef producing breed for the modern beef industry.
Our association does have a breed up program but we will register only 15/16 or higher bulls. Some one time exceptions were made to this rule to accommodate members joining us from other associations. This is to preserve the best qualities of our cattle and not allow the whims of the beef industry to negatively effect our genetic pool.
Give these cattle a try and see what they can do on your farm or ranch. They cross well with other breeds, especially the English breeds, but consistently produce the best cut-out values as straight line or pure "White".
What's New...
2023 Wisconsin Farm Technology Days.
at the Wisconsin Farm Technology Days (formally known as Farm Progress Days) and for the first time
American British White Parks will be on display! The 2023 Wisconsin Farm Technology Days is being held on the grounds
of the Badger Steam & Gas Engine Club, at S3347 Sand Road, Baraboo, WI. Over the years the Beef Tent has become one of
the most popular “go to” exhibit within Tent City! In 2022 over 52,000 people attended the three-day event.
Hockermans Hillview Farm will have a display of a cow/calf pair or a pair of show heifers. If you are planning to attend please stop by for a visit. If you are interested in donating some of your time to help man the booth and network with the public or just give us a restroom break please contact: Megan Hockerman at 608-296-1982 or [email protected]
Beef Tent Display
July 18-20, 2023
Baraboo, WI
at the Wisconsin Farm Technology Days (formally known as Farm Progress Days) and for the first time
American British White Parks will be on display! The 2023 Wisconsin Farm Technology Days is being held on the grounds
of the Badger Steam & Gas Engine Club, at S3347 Sand Road, Baraboo, WI. Over the years the Beef Tent has become one of
the most popular “go to” exhibit within Tent City! In 2022 over 52,000 people attended the three-day event.
- The purpose of the Beef Tent:
- To educate the consumer about the production of quality beef (not all good tasting beef comes from black-hided cattle).
- To educate the public on different beef breeds and their qualities.
- To connect with other producers looking to make an investment into the British White Parks.
Hockermans Hillview Farm will have a display of a cow/calf pair or a pair of show heifers. If you are planning to attend please stop by for a visit. If you are interested in donating some of your time to help man the booth and network with the public or just give us a restroom break please contact: Megan Hockerman at 608-296-1982 or [email protected]